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30 August 2009 - Look what I found on my back deck! The Katydid. Related to crickets and grasshoppers, noted for their loud mating calls. Often large and green, many katydids have long wings, but some common species are nearly wingless. Katydids are most abundant in the tropics but katydids are also found in cooler and drier regions throughout the world; the United States is home to over 100 species. They live on trees, bushes, or grasses, often matching the appearance of their surroundings. Many species resemble leaves; leaf-katydids of the American tropics precisely mimic partially eaten or otherwise disfigured leaves. Owing to such adaptations and their lack of daytime activity, relatively little is known of this group of insects, despite their ubiquity, abundance, and variety.
Ben and Maureen Allnutt
15604 Sugarland Road, Poolesville, Maryland 20837
Recorded Message 301-977-3761